Removing multilib

I came to the point where I no longer needed a multilib system, at least on one of my computers. I rarely use Adobe Acrobat Reader, I have Skype running on my phone and, there’s of course ZeroUno’s package if I happen to need Skype on my computer. I decided to simply use slackpkg, to clean up the system and revert to the gcc-* and glibc-* packages from the original installation.
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Sound in Skype 4.3

Since version 4.3, Skype for Linux requires PulseAudio. It is available from SBo, but since Skype is a 32bit program only, the necessary 32bit compatibility packages should be installed as well. I am running Slackware64 14.1 -multilib system and I have a virtual machine with Slackware 32. Read the rest of this entry »

Customizing KDE4

Well, though I really like XFCE, I have to admit there are several really nice things in KDE. One of them is the power management options and the integration between the power manager and the screensaver. Another one is the customization of the keyboard layouts. For example, I like to keep two major layouts to be switched with ALT + SHIFT and two extra that can be selected with the mouse. Read the rest of this entry »

Slackware64 multilib

Upgraded to Slackware 14, installed almost all software needed from and now is time for some final adjustments: making the system multilib. The reason is that I like to play StarCraft for the old days’ sake :) Read the rest of this entry »