Removing multilib

I came to the point where I no longer needed a multilib system, at least on one of my computers. I rarely use Adobe Acrobat Reader, I have Skype running on my phone and, there’s of course ZeroUno’s package if I happen to need Skype on my computer. I decided to simply use slackpkg, to clean up the system and revert to the gcc-* and glibc-* packages from the original installation.

First, I removed everything with a compat32 tag:

slackpkg remove compat32

After that, I made sure these are no longer blacklisted in /etc/slackpkg/blacklist, by commenting them out:


Then, I upgraded to the stock gcc-* and glibc-*. My system is up-to-date, so this will simply do:

slackpkg upgrade-all

It’s as easy as that. After an installing/removing like this, I usually like to reboot the system.

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