Tor browser: specify a country node

I visit an old, Linux-dedicated forum, that sometimes does not like comments from users with a foreign IP address, due to its outdated engine or something. In order to post, I often need to prove that I am not a robot, via captcha. Well, I am not a robot and this happens only occasionally, but it’s still annoying. Therefore, I decided to find out whether I can use the Tor Browser with a pre-specified country for the exit node.
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Traditional names of network devices

Moving from Slackware to CRUX, I noticed that my network devices have weird names, such as enp4s0. What happened to the good old eth0? It did not bother me much at first, but… For example, I have a firewall script, where I specify adapter names, and it is a bit annoying to always check for the specific one, depending on the computer I am working on.
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Tor browser won’t start

On CRUX 3.7, the Tor browser (version 12.5 at the moment) fails to start. It is not available as a port, so I just downloaded the Linux tarball from the official website, extracted it, and tried to run the program. Nothing. Therefore, I decided to find out what’s wrong and search for a fix.
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GitHub direct download links

As a maintainer at, I would like to have a handy place to store some “problematic” sources and some other files. Once upon a time, I used SourceForge, but I wanted to have it at Slackalaxy’s GitHub repo. Uploading tarballs is fine, however what should be the download link to put in, for example, a *.info file?
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Chrome support for ftp sites

I’ve been updating my SlackBuilds for -current and noticed something quite strange. Whenever I needed to check for new sources, if the tarball was hosted on an ftp site, Chrome would refuse to open it. I searched a bit and it seems Chrome has dropped ftp support by default.

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