Eleven years for Slackalaxy

It has been 11 years… With this one, my humble blog makes total of 263 posts.

CRUX ports added to portdb

My collection of CRUX ports has been just added to the portdb section at CRUX’s web-site, as ppetrov. I also maintain Xfce 4.12 for CRUX 3.7, but decided that it will not be of much interest, so it’s not there. Anyway, both repos are available at GitHub.

CRUX: a tiny gem of a distro

CRUX (https://crux.nu/) is a slim, highly-customisable Linux distribution, designed with simplicity in mind. It usually stays out of the spotlights and scores below 100 in DistroWatch’s popularity rating (not that this means much). Nevertheless, the project is over 20 years old, mature, and provides a clean, transparent and elegantly laid out system. This review aims to cover some of its concepts.

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Viber won’t start

Recently, I upgraded Viber (for Linux desktop) to version However, it simply would not start, although dependencies were satisfied. Therefore, I searched for a fix.
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GitHub direct download links

As a maintainer at SlackBuilds.org, I would like to have a handy place to store some “problematic” sources and some other files. Once upon a time, I used SourceForge, but I wanted to have it at Slackalaxy’s GitHub repo. Uploading tarballs is fine, however what should be the download link to put in, for example, a *.info file?
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