VirtualBox disable check for update

I recently installed Slackware64 15.0 on one of my boxes (yey!). Not my main system, but it is still nice to have it… I want to play Heroes III in a virtual machine, therefore I installed VirtualBox 6.1. I used the “All distributions” run file and the installation went fine. However, it would not start.
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Own packages repository

I decided to try and make my own repository of precompiled packages from SBo. Exactly the same idea as SlackOnly, but made by me for my own use (not public). The tool to use is SlackRepo, which has extensive documentation, that I highly recommend. This post is not meant as a tutorial on how to use SlackRepo. It merely lists the settings I used and the steps I took for my own use.
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Heroes III in a Windows VM

Over a year ago, I wrote a post about playing Heroes III natively in Linux thanks to the VCMI project. Unfortunatelly, the VCMI engine is not yet stable enough for me to consider the game playable. It turned out to crash way too often, and sometimes the AI players behave in a pretty weird way.

I got tired of it and looked for an alternative approach, at least until VCMI gets more stable. Read the rest of this entry »

Virtual machine settings 2

This is ridiculous. Some time ago I ‘fixed’ the setting of my VirtualBox. However, I experienced segfaults again. I am using VirtualBox version 5.0.14 r105127 on Slackware64 14.1 -multilib. The host machine is running Slackware64 -current and the program in question is Ugene version 1.21.0. I managed to make it build fine after I set the following options for the VM: Read the rest of this entry »

Virtual machine settings

I keep clean installs of Slackware 32bit and 64bit in order to check how my SlackBuilds work. Currently, I use Oracle VM VirtualBox, installed on a Slackware64 14.1 -multilib system from the upstream provided binary (“All distributions”), AMD64 architecture (version 4.3.28). Read the rest of this entry »