Add new entries to Xfce Settings manager

I want to add a few more entries to my Xfce Settings manager, such as XScreenSaver, Print Settings and more. I am using the old Xfce 4.12 (GTK2), installed from my own ports on CRUX 3.7, so it’s pretty much up to me to set it up. This has always been somewhat of a mystery to me, and I finally decided to get into it. Heh…
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Xfce multilevel menu

I want to organize my Xfce menus better. For example, I have a lot of entries in the “Education” category, to the point that the menu became scrollable in order to accommodate them all. What I want to do is group some of the menu entries into separate sub-menus that still reside under “Education”. I did not find clear instructions, so what I will describe is based on inspecting the sub-menus created by Wine, as well as trial and error.
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GTK2-only Xfce 4.12 desktop

I want to keep using a GTK2-based desktop environment on the upcoming Slackware 15.0 release. Long story short, I decided to stay with Xfce 4.12 and created my own repository of SlackBuild scripts that aim to build a GTK2-only desktop on -current. I have been running it for over a month on Slackware -current from 17 May 2021. Here’s my announcement in LQ. Of course, this comes with no warranty, so use at your own risk.
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Seahorse keyring

I did a fresh install of -current couple of months ago and looked for a way to manage passwords. I looked around and it seems that Seahorse is a good choice for Xfce. There’s Seahorse available on SBo, so I installed it. Things did not work as expected out-of-the-box… for example Chrome kept prompting me for passwords that was driving me nuts.
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Disable GTK3 window management

Some GTK3 programs, such as file-roller and Evince, use their own custom title bar with minimize, maximize and close buttons. Under Xfce, I have experienced hiccups with Evince when maximized: it would refuse to unmaximize the window (or rather, does not remember the dimensions of the unmaximized window) and behaves kinda “sticky” to desktop borders. In another case, if I have the compositor turned off, the window edges are not smoothened and look ugly.
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