QT4 apps and GTK+ icons

When using a desktop environment like XFCE, the only thing required to make QT4 programs look consistent with the rest of the desktop was this. QT4 applications like Clementine inherited the GTK+ theme settings and apparently XFCE took care of the icons theme. However, this is not the case with E17. Read the rest of this entry »

E17 and xscreensaver

I decided to try E17 on my multimedia PC. I have built Enlightenment from SBo, but there were some glitches. In stead, I decided to give Slacke17 a try. Read the rest of this entry »

Menu entries in E17

Every now and then I get this ideas to use the amazing Enlightenment17 — a truly beautiful semi desktop environment. The problem with it was that no menu file was provided by default. Recent versions include a menu file, but I still prefer to use the one from before. Read the rest of this entry »